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40.0039259376db_connect_all( ).../addcode.php:14
50.0041260840mysql_connect ( ).../functions.db.php:13
TableStyle = $Style; } function HeaderStyle($Style) //function to set CSS styles for header row { $this->HeaderStyle = $Style; } function RowStyle($Style) //function to set CSS styles for rows { $this->RowStyle = $Style; } function AltRowStyle($Style) //function to set CSS styles for alternate rows { $this->AltRowStyle = $Style; } function FooterStyle($Style) //function to set CSS styles for footer row { $this->FooterStyle = $Style; } function PrintTable() //function to print table or error list { if(empty($this->Errors)){ switch($this->QryType){ case "select": //SELECT STATEMENTS $Result = mysql_query($this->StrQuery); $Table = "TableStyle}\">"; if(mysql_error()){ $Table.="HeaderStyle}\">"; $Table.="RowStyle}\">"; }else{ //Header Row with Field Names $NumFields = mysql_num_fields($Result); $Table.= "HeaderStyle}\">"; for ($i=0; $i < $NumFields; $i++){ $Table.= ""; } $Table.= ""; //Loop thru results $RowCt = 0; //Row Counter while($Row = mysql_fetch_assoc($Result)){ //Alternate colors for rows if(isset($this->AltRowStyle)){ if($RowCt++ % 2 == 0) $Style = $this->RowStyle; else $Style = $this->AltRowStyle; }else{ $Style = $this->RowStyle; } $Table.= ""; //Loop thru each field foreach($Row as $field => $value){ if(is_numeric($value)){ $cellstyle = "align=right"; }else{ $cellstyle = "align=left"; } $Table.= ""; } $Table.= ""; } $Table.= "FooterStyle}\">"; } $Table.="
MySQL Error Occurred:
MySQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "
" . mysql_field_name($Result, $i) . "

Query returned " . mysql_num_rows($Result) . " records

"; break; default: //Everything Else mysql_query($this->StrQuery); $Table = "TableStyle}\">"; if(mysql_error()) { $Table.="HeaderStyle}\">"; $Table.="RowStyle}\">"; } else { $Table.="HeaderStyle}\">"; $Table.="RowStyle}\">"; $Table.="FooterStyle}\">"; } $Table.="
MySQL Error Occurred:
MySQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "
Successfully Executed Query!
Query String: {$this->StrQuery}
Query Affected " . mysql_affected_rows() . " Rows
"; break; } return $Table; }else{ $Table = "The Following Errors occurred initializing the table class:
"; $Table .= ""; return $Table; } } function SqlTable($Query) //Constructor function { $AppTypes = array("select", "delete", "insert", "update"); //Applicable Query Types $Query = trim($Query); //Trim excess spaces $Pos = strpos($Query, " "); //Find position of first space $Type = strtolower(substr($Query, 0, $Pos)); //Query type is the first word of the query if(in_array($Type, $AppTypes)) { //if the query type is in the array of applicable query types $this->StrQuery = $Query; $this->QryType = $Type; } else { //If not, produce error $this->Errors[] = "Query type ($Type) is not available"; } } } ?>
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40.0099284016mysql_connect ( ).../functions.db.php:13

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30.0110285848db_connect_all( ).../get_tags.php:3
40.0110286744mysql_connect ( ).../functions.db.php:13
| Milan [x] | | remove all tags |

2 Location
search results:

07/06/2012 - San Siro Milano - BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN - THE RIVER
20080625 None But The Brave
25.06.2008 Springsteen Live a San Siro - None But The Brave
25.06.2008 Springsteen Live a San Siro Milano
25.06.2008 Springsteen Live a San Siro Milano
25.06.2008 Springsteen Live a San Siro Milano
25.06.2008 Springsteen Live a San Siro Milano - Si parte
70.000 persone a San Siro in delirio per il Boss
7h june 2012 bruce springsteen live:glory days-san siro stadium milan
7th june 2012 bruce springsteen live:born in the usa-san siro stadium milan
7th june 2012 bruce springsteen live:the river-san siro stadium milan
7th june 2012 bruce springsteen sing with a little boy-san siro stadium milan
ADAM RAISED A CAIN, Bruce Springsteen, Milano 28/11/2007
American Land, Bruce Springsteen live in Milano 03.06.2013
Apertura concerto Bruce Springsteen @ San Siro - Milano
Atlantic City
B. Springsteen -- Intro+Land Of Hope & Dreams +My Love Will Not Let U Down @ San Siro 3.6.2013
B. Springsteen Live in Milano 25-06-2008
B. Springsteen Live in Milano 25-06-2008 beginning
Because the Night - Bruce Springsteen - Live in Milano 21.6.1985 (Audio)
because the night milano 25 06 2008
Bobby Jean
Bobby Jean - Bruce Springsteen - San Siro 2013
Bobby Jean - Bruce Springsteen (Live in S.Siro - Milan)
Born to run - Bruce Springsteen live Milano, San Siro (07.06.12), Wrecking Ball tour 2012
Born To Run y Rosalita-Milan 25-06-08 (Tatobruce).MPG
Boss - Dancing in the dark a Milano 2003
BRUCE 3 GIUGNO 2013, Bobby Jean, I'm going down
Bruce impazzisce a Milano san Siro 2013
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen Death to My Hometown Live Milano 3 6 2013
Bruce Springsteen "E-STREET SHUFFLE" Milan 2007
Bruce Springsteen "The Promise" live in Milano - Italy (june 7th, 2012)
Bruce Springsteen "The River" live San Siro
Bruce Springsteen "Thunder Road" San Siro 3 giugno 2013
Bruce Springsteen & E-Street Band - Waitin' On A Sunny Day - Milan, 7 June 2012
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - American Land (Milano, 03/06/2013)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Atlantic City (Milano, 03/06/2013)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Cadillac Ranch
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Hungry Heart
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Hungry Heart
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Loose Ends (Milano, 03/06/2013)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Milano, June 28, 2003 (Part 1)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Milano, June 28, 2003 (Part 3)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band Rendezvous
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band Youngstown
Bruce Springsteen & The E-street band - Bobby Jean (Stadio San Siro Milano 3/6/2013)
Bruce Springsteen &The E Street Band - Out In The Street (Milano, 03/06/2013)
Bruce Springsteen - Atlantic City live Milano 03/06/2013 @ Stadio S. Siro
Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run @ San Siro - Milan 3 .6.2013
Bruce Springsteen - 01. Land Of Hope And Dreams - Live Milano San Siro (03.06.2013)
Bruce Springsteen - All I'm Thinkin' About (Live 2005)
Bruce Springsteen - American Land Milano San Siro 2013
Bruce Springsteen - Badlands (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - Badlands (Milan 99 - Kokomo)
Bruce Springsteen - Because the Night (live in Milan)
Bruce Springsteen - Bobby Jean (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - Bobby Jean (Live Milano Italy june 7 2012)
Bruce Springsteen - Bobby Jean - Milano 21.06.1985
Bruce Springsteen - Bobby Jean Live 03/06/2013 @ Stadio San Siro
Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A, San Siro 3 giugno 2013
Bruce Springsteen - Born to run - Milano 21.06.1985
Bruce Springsteen - Born to run - S. Siro Stadium - 26/06/08
Bruce Springsteen - Born to run Live 03/06/2013 @ Stadio San Siro
Bruce Springsteen - Brilliant Disguise (Live 2005)
Bruce Springsteen - Cadillac Ranch (Live Milano Italy june 7 2012)
Bruce Springsteen - Cadillac Ranch - Milano 21.06.1985
Bruce Springsteen - Cadillac Ranch 1 live Milano 2012
Bruce Springsteen - Cover Me live Milano 03/06/2013 @ Stadio S. Siro
Bruce Springsteen - DANCING IN THE DARK 2003 live
Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in the dark Live Milano San Siro 3 giugno 2013
Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in The Dark. Live Milan San Siro, 07 June 2012
Bruce Springsteen - Darkness On The Edge Of Town (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - Downbound Train (Live 1985)
Bruce Springsteen - Downbound train - Milano 21.06.1985
Bruce Springsteen - Follow That Dream (Milano 2003)
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN - Girls in their summer clothes MI 2008
Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days (Live @ Milano - Stadio San Siro 03.06.2013)
Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days + Twist and Shout (Milan 7-6-2012)
Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days e Twist and Shout - gran finale a San Siro 2012
Bruce Springsteen - I'm Goin' Down (Milano, 03.06.2013)
Bruce Springsteen - I'm goin' down Live 03/06/2013 @ Stadio San Siro
Bruce Springsteen - I'm On Fire (Milano 25/06/2008)
Bruce Springsteen - I'm on Fire Live 03/06/2013 @ Stadio San Siro
Bruce Springsteen - Into The Fire (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - Intro & Land of Hope and Dreams (Live @ Milan - June 3, 2013)
Bruce Springsteen - Jack of All Trades (Live Milano San Siro, 7/6/2012)
Bruce Springsteen - Johnny 99 - Milan, 7th June 2012
Bruce Springsteen - Johnny 99 - Milano 21.06.1985
Bruce Springsteen - Last To Die (Milan)
Bruce Springsteen - Live in Milano San Siro - 7 Giugno 2012
Bruce Springsteen - live@San Siro - Milano - 03/06/2013 - Shackled and drawn
Bruce Springsteen - live@San Siro - Milano - 07/06/2012
Bruce Springsteen - live@San Siro - Milano - 07/06/2012 - Badlands
Bruce Springsteen - live@San Siro - Milano - 07/06/2012 - We Take Care Of Our Own
Bruce Springsteen - Livin' In The Future (Milano 25/06/2008)
Bruce Springsteen - Long Tall Sally (Little Richard cover) (San Siro,Milano 3.6.13) HD
Bruce Springsteen - Long walk home (Milano)
Bruce Springsteen - Loose ends (San Siro,Milano 3.6.13) HD
Bruce Springsteen - Mary's Place (Live 2003) Part 1
Bruce Springsteen - Milano - 28/11/2007 - BADLANDS
Bruce Springsteen - Milano - Born in the U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen - Milano 25-06-08 - Twist and shout!
Bruce Springsteen - Milano 7.06.2012. The promise
Bruce Springsteen - Milano San Siro 07-06-2012
Bruce Springsteen - Milano, Italy 6/3/2013 - Born in the USA Legend Night - FULL SHOW
Bruce Springsteen - MY BEAUTIFUL REWARD 2005 live (on pump organ)
Bruce Springsteen - My Hometown (Live) - S.Siro - 3 Giugno 2013
Bruce Springsteen - My Love Will Not Let You Down (Milan 99)
Bruce Springsteen - No Surrender (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - None But The Brave (Milano 25/06/2008)
Bruce Springsteen - None But The Brave - live Milan
Bruce Springsteen - None but the brave live in Milano San Siro 25.06.2008 SUB ita & eng
Bruce Springsteen - Open All Night
Bruce Springsteen - Out In The Street (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - Prove it all night live in Milano San Siro 25.06.2008 SUB ita & eng
Bruce Springsteen - Racing In The Street (Milano 25/06/2008)
Bruce Springsteen - Radio Nowhere (Live Milano 2007)
Bruce Springsteen - Ramrod (Live 2003) Part 1
Bruce Springsteen - Ramrod (live Milan 1985)
Bruce Springsteen - Reason to Believe (Milan 28-11-07)
Bruce Springsteen - Rendezvous (Milan 99 - Kokomo)
Bruce Springsteen - Rocking all over the world (photo gallery) - Milano 21.06.1985
Bruce Springsteen - Shout live Milano 03/06/2013 @ Stadio S. Siro
Bruce Springsteen - Spirit of The Night. Milan San Siro 07 June 2012
Bruce Springsteen - Summertime Blues, San Siro 25.06.08
Bruce Springsteen - Take care of our own - San Siro - 07/06/2012 - inizio concerto
Bruce Springsteen - Tenth Avenue Freeze Out live Milano 03/06/2013 @ Stadio S. Siro
Bruce Springsteen - The Promised Land - Milano 2003
Bruce Springsteen - The River - Live Stadio San Siro Milano 03/06/2013
Bruce Springsteen - The River - Milano 21.06.1985
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road (Milano San Siro 03-06-2013)
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road (solo, acoustic) - Milano, San Siro, 03/06/2013
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder road acoustic (San Siro,Milano 3.6.13) HD
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road choir in San Siro 3/06/2013
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road Live 03/06/2013 @ Stadio San Siro
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road [live in Milan SanSiro 3 Giugno 2013]
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road, Milano 03.06.13
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road, San Siro 3 giugno 2013
Bruce Springsteen - Tougher Than The Rest (ACOUSTIC )
Bruce Springsteen - Trapped (Milan 1985)
Bruce Springsteen - We Take Care Of Our Own -Live from milan 07 june 2012
Bruce Springsteen - Where The Bands Are (Milan 99 - Kokomo)
bruce springsteen - Who'll Stop the rain
Bruce Springsteen - Who'll Stop The Rain (Live 2003)
Bruce Springsteen - Working on the highway (Milan 1985)
Bruce Springsteen - Wrecking Ball live Milano 2012
Bruce Springsteen - Youngstown (Milan 99 - Kokomo)
Bruce Springsteen -Can't Help Fallin' In Love
Bruce Springsteen 07-06-12 Milano Front Row
Bruce Springsteen : Intro/Stage Entrance [Milano 2012]
Bruce Springsteen @ San Siro, Milano - 03/06/2013. No surrender + Bobby Jean
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Thunder Road, 2013-06-03 San Siro, Milan, Italy
Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band - 7th June 2012 (San Siro)
Bruce Springsteen Best of Live in Milano 25-06-2008
Bruce Springsteen Bobby Jean Milano 2008
Bruce Springsteen Bobby Jean San Siro Milano 07/06/2012
Bruce Springsteen Born in the USA Milano San Siro 03/06/2013
Bruce Springsteen Born To Run San Siro Milano 3/6/2013
bruce springsteen concerto live Milano san siro stadio meazza 7 Giugno 2012
Bruce Springsteen Dancing In The Dark HD Zoom San Siro 7th June 2012
Bruce Springsteen Darkness On The Edge Of Town milan 99
Bruce Springsteen E Street Band 25/06/08 Milano 3
Bruce Springsteen Hungry Heart Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen I'm on fire Milano 03/06/13
Bruce Springsteen If I Should Fall Behind Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen in München 2013: Pay me my money down
Bruce Springsteen in Milano 2012 We are alive
Bruce Springsteen Land Of Hope And Dreams Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen Light Of Day Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen live 2013
Bruce Springsteen live @ San Siro, 25/06/2008
Bruce Springsteen live @ San Siro, Milano - 03/06/2013 Thunder Road
Bruce springsteen live concerto Milano SAN siro stadio meazza 7 Giugno 2012
Bruce Springsteen LIVE in Milano 2008(S.Siro) I'm on fire
Bruce Springsteen Live in Milano 25-06-2008 part 1
Bruce Springsteen live milano 2012 THE RIVER
bruce springsteen live milano hungry heart 07-06-2012
bruce springsteen live:born in the usa-3th june 2013 san siro stadium milan
bruce springsteen live:dancing in the dark 3th june 2013 san siro stadium
Bruce Springsteen Long Tall Sally First Ever Little Richard Cover Live Milano 3 6 2013
Bruce Springsteen Magic 28/11/2007 Milano
Bruce Springsteen Mansion On the Hill milan 99
Bruce Springsteen Milano 03/06/13 Working on the highway
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Milano 2008 Apertura Opening - From pit
Bruce springsteen milano 2013
Bruce Springsteen Milano 3/06/2013 Born in the Usa
Bruce Springsteen Milano 3/06/2013 I'm on fire & No Surrender
Bruce Springsteen Milano 3/06/2013 Twist and shout & Shout
Bruce Springsteen Milano 3/6/2013 Thunder Road
Bruce Springsteen Milano S.Siro 2012 Hungry heart
Bruce Springsteen Milano San Siro 03-06-2013 Born To Run
Bruce Springsteen Milano San Siro 2012 Dancing in the dark
Bruce Springsteen Milano San Siro Rosalita
Bruce Springsteen Murder Incorporated milan 99
Bruce Springsteen My Love Will Not Let You Down Milano San Siro 2013 live 3.6.2013
Bruce Springsteen No Surrender Live In Milano Stadio S. Siro 3 6 2013
Bruce Springsteen Rosalita Live Milan
Bruce Springsteen San Siro 2012 - Il Discorso su My City of Ruins
Bruce Springsteen San Siro 25/06/08 - Racing in the street
Bruce Springsteen San Siro Milano 7 giugno 2012
Bruce Springsteen Streets Of Philadelphia Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen Tenth Avenue Freeze Out HD San Siro 7th June 2012
Bruce Springsteen Tenth Avenue Freeze Out Part 1 Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen Tenth Avenue Freeze Out Part 2 Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen The Ghost Of Tom Joad Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen The Promise concerto Milano 7 giugno 2012.MOV
Bruce Springsteen The River San Siro 7 Giugno 2012 Milano Italy
Bruce Springsteen The River, Milano San Siro 07/06/2012
Bruce Springsteen Thunder Road 28/11/2007 Milano
Bruce Springsteen Thunder Road Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen We Are Alive Milan 2013
Bruce Springsteen where the bands are Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen Working On The Highway Milan 99
Bruce Springsteen-Empty Sky
Bruce Springsteen-OUT IN THE STREET-Milano San Siro, 07/06/2012
Bruce Springsteen-Racing in the streets-Milan 25/06/08
Bruce Springsteen-The E Street Shuffle-Milano 28-11-07
Bruce Springsten Milano 3/06/2013 Badlands
Buce Springsteen The Promised Land Milan 99
Candy's Room 25/06/2008 Milano
Darkness on the edge of town, live in s.siro 2008 the boss
Downbound Train - Bruce Springsteen - Live in Milan 21.6.1985 (audio)
Entrata Bruce Springsteen San Siro 2008 Milano
Gran Finale - Bruce Springsteen - Milano 7 Giugno 2012
Hungry Heart bruce springsteen Milano barlassina 2008
Hungry Hearts San Siro 03/06/2013
I Wanna Be With You Bruce Springsteen April 20 1999 Milan, ITA
I'm Going Down Live - Bruce Springsteen - San Siro 2013
I'm on Fire, Bruce Springsteen live in Milano 03.06.2013
Il saluto del Boss a Milano
Intro - Land of hope and dreams - Bruce Springsteen Milano 3-6-2013
Intro-We take care of our own-Wrecking ball Bruce Springsteen & the E-S Band-7th June 2012(San Siro)
Land of hope and dreams - Bruce Springsteen (Live @ San Siro - Milano 03.06.2013)
Milano San Siro 2013 - I'M GOING DOWN - Bruce Springsteen Live
Milano San Siro 2013 - LONG TALL SALLY - Bruce Springsteen Live (Good Golly Miss Molly request)
My love will not let you down (Milan 03)
My love will not let you down, Milano 28-6-2003
Out In The Street - Bruce Springsteen - San Siro 2013
Pay Me My Money Down Part 1
Rendezvous Bruce Springsteen
San Siro - inizio concerto di Bruce Springsteen
San Siro 2013-TENTH AVENUE FREEZE OUT-Bruce Springsteen Clarence Clemons tribute
Sfeer voor concert Bruce Springsteen
Shout-Bruce Springsteen-03/06/13-Milan-San Siro
Springsteen - Death to My Hometown - Live in Milan "Stadio Meazza" - 7.6.2012
Springsteen - Thunder Road live @ San Siro, Milano 03.06.2013
Springsteen Milan 2013 , Thunder road
Springsteen Milano 03-06-2013 Working on the Highway
Springsteen Milano 2013 - Dancing in the dark (extrait)
Springsteen Milano 2013 - L'inévitable Born to run (extrait)
Springsteen Milano 2013 - Thunder Road (extrait 42")
Springsteen Milano 2013 Born to Run
springsteen milano 2013 inizio concerto our love is real
Springsteen Milano 28.11.2007 - L'inizio
springsteen milano s.siro 2013 the river reprise presentation born in the usa
Springsteen REASON TO BELIEVE (Milano 28-11-2007) sub ita
Springsteen San Siro 2013 -Downbound Train-
Springsteen San Siro 2013 -Inizio-
Springsteen San Siro 2013 -Out in the Street-
Springsteen San Siro 2013 -Waitin' On A Sunny Day -
Springsteen, entrata concerto Milano 2003
Summer Time Blues - Bruce Springsteen Milan 2008
The Promised Land 28.06.2003
THE PROMISED LAND, Bruce Springsteen live in Milano
The rising - Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band - 7th June 2012 (San Siro)
The River - Milan - 28-Jun-03.mpg
The River Bruce Springsteen Milan 2013
This is your land - We are alive, bruce Springsteen, Milano San Siro 2013
This Land is your Land (solo acoustic) Bruce Springsteen San Siro Milano 3 June 2013
Thunder Road (Acouctic) - Bruce Springsteen - San Siro 03.06.2013
Thunder Road (acoustic) - 3 Giugno 2013, Stadio Giuseppe Meazza
Thunder Road (acoustic) - Bruce Springsteen - Milano 3-6-2013
Thunder Road Milano 03/06/13
Thunder Road Milano 2013
thunder road milano san siro 2013 gran finale bruce Springsteen
Thunder Road San Siro 03/06/2013
Thunder road san siro 2013
Thunder road, Bruce Springsteen San Siro Milano 2013
Twist and shout San Siro 03/06/2013
Two Hearts Bruce Springsteen Milan 99
waitin on a sunny day san siro 2013 close up milano
Working on a Highway, Bruce Springsteen live in Milano 03.06.2013
Working On The Highway - Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band (Milan, Italy - June 07, 2012)
Wrecking Ball, Bruce Springsteen Milano San Siro 2013